Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Marathon Madness

Why we run...what a phrase that encapsulates so much meaning to each individual who laces up and pounds the ground for 3 miles or 26.2.  It is all relative to the being.  Some run for stress release, some run for fitness, some run for competition, some run for friendship, some run for a cause.  The question can be answered in a million ways.

I’m a believer that running brings out the best in people. Running inspires. Running unites. Running uplifts. By pushing us to our limits and across them, running takes us to places we never thought possible—or even real. A good run can turn a dark day bright and make a bright day shine brighter. Performed on the scale of a marathon, running can transform communities and change lives....Mike Cassidy, NYC Marathon 2013.

The sport of marathon distance racing is still growing.  Races fill in record time not by elite athletes, but my people who see the race as another leaf on their tree of life.  Coaching has inspired me way beyond being the competitor.

I would like to congratulate Jim Gilreath, who completed the NYC 2013 Marathon this year with a stellar time of 3:11:32.  He ran a flawless race on a course that does not show forgiveness.  Jim is shy, so photographs are no where to be found, so I am digging to get one.

Next up is a group that took charge of a challenge, worked through some obstacles with training and inspired each other through friendship, love and pure guts.   Your first marathon is a bold memory that will sit with you forever.  Most people think that they can never put 26.2 miles under their feet and live to tell about it with a smile...this group did that and more.  Congratulations Ashley Gilreath, Monica McOwen, Nancy Nelson Gaddy, Cara Sumner, and Lora Whitehurst.  You did it!!


As a coach I see this career as an endeavor to help and guide athletes to their destinations.  Sometimes it runs smoothly, sometimes the stars are not in alignment with the planet.  But each time the human spirit prevails.  I am truly blessed to have such inspiring people around me.